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MingCha Wellness Gift Set
MCK501704 MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Fire
SKU: 4895097502676
MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Fire
Warm. Improves circulation. Calming. Great for ladies.
Tanyang Golden Rim (Warm, revivifying, aids blood circulation & digestion)
Rose Buds (Warm, calming, aid blood circulation)
Size : 20cm x 15cm x 5cm
Net Weight: 33g
Gross: 293g
明茶房五行養生禮盒 - 火
坦洋工夫紅 (助消化, 助血液循環)
玫瑰小蕾 (寧神,助血液循環)
尺寸: 20公分 x 15公分 x 5公分
淨重: 33克
毛重: 293克
MCK708703 MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Wood
MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Wood
Refreshing. Relaxing. Anti-oxidizing. Brings you happiness and hope.
Jasmine Silver Tips tea (Cool, revivifying, anti-oxidizing & anti-ageing)
Jasmine Blossoms tea(Cool, revivifying, anti-oxidizing & anti-ageing)
(The Tea That Connects The World) 5 balls
Origin: Fuding, Fujian, China
Ingredients: 100% Green Tea and Flowers
Jasmine Blossoms Tea is a blooming tea that is scented with fresh jasmine flowers. Each tea ball is made with green tea buds and young leaves, air-dried Lily & Thousand Day Red flowers. It is scented with fresh jasmine flowers for 6 times. The only blooming tea that tastes as good as it looks! A MingCha Invention: patented no. HK1248966
Size : 20cm x 15cm x 5cm
Net Weight: 68g
Gross: 330g
明茶房五行養生禮盒 - 木
茉莉銀毫 (醒神,抗氧化)
茉莉仙桃 (舒緩壓力,抗氧化)
尺寸: 20公分 x 15公分 x 5公分
淨重: 68克
毛重: 330克
MCK300813 MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Metal
SKU: 4895097502645
MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Metal
Cleansing lungs. Good for eyes. Anti-inflammatory. Anti-oxidizing
Silver Needle Supreme (Cool, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidizing & ageing)
Wild Chysanthemums (Cool , detoxifying, good for eyes)
Size : 20cm x 15cm x 5cm
Net Weight: 28g
Gross: 280g
明茶房五行養生禮盒 - 金
極品白毫銀針 (微涼性,抗氧化, 抗衰老)
野生秋菊 (微涼性,解毒,明目)
尺寸: 20公分 x 15公分 x 5公分
淨重: 28克
毛重: 280克
MCK402436 MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Water
MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Water
Aids digestion. Removes toxins from your kidneys, bladder and prostate.
Yunnan Tippy Puer (Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion)
Aged Tou Cha (Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion)
Size : 20cm x 15cm x 5cm
Net Weight: 78g
Gross: 340g
明茶房養生禮盒 - 水
陳年⾦尖普洱 (中性,控制體重,助消化)
小陳沱 (中性,控制體重,助消化)
尺寸: 20公分 x 15公分 x 5公分
淨重: 78克
毛重: 340克
MCK200705 MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Earth
MingCha Wellness Gift Set - Earth
Diuretic. Relaxing and energizing. Good for oral health.
Phoenix Supreme (Neutral, relaxing and lower blood cholesterols)
Golden Osmanthus (Warm, reducing phlegm & blood stasis)
Size : 20cm x 15cm x 5cm
Net Weight: 33g
Gross: 288g
明茶房五行養生禮盒 - 土
極品鳳凰單欉 (舒緩壓力,降膽固醇)
正品金桂花 (清新口氣, 化痰止咳)
尺寸: 20公分 x 15公分 x 5公分
淨重: 33克
毛重: 288克
Oolongs - Phoenix
MCC207 Phoenix Osmanthus
Phoenix Osmanthus
Award Winning Tea
Champion of Oolong Tea Category in HKTDC Hong Kong International Tea Fair Tea Competition 2011 & 2014
Origin: Phoenix Mountain, Chao An, Guangdong. China
Ingredient: 100% Natural Oolong Tea
Character: Round & sweet floral fragrance. Brisk, smooth, complex infusion. Light clear colour. Refreshing, quenching and sweet after-taste.
Effects: Neutral, relaxing and lower blood cholesterols
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 55g
Gross: 158g
香港國際茶展名茶比賽2011 及 2014烏龍茶類冠軍
原產地: 廣東潮安縣鳳凰山
成份: 100%全天然烏龍茶葉
味格: 桂花之甜蜜香味,湯色金黃清澈﹑味清爽﹑帶微甜,鮮活而多滋味﹑兩頰回味生津。
保健: 中性,舒緩壓力,降膽固醇。
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 55克
毛重: 158克
MCC200 Phoenix Supreme
SKU: 4895097500177
Phoenix Supreme
Origin: Wudong, Phoenix Mountain, Chao An County, Guangdong, China
Ingredient: 100% Natural Oolong Tea
Character: Round & sweet fruity fragrance. Brisk, smooth, complex and yet sharp infusion. Light clear colour. Refreshing, quenching and sweet after-taste. The taste character may vary from batch to batch; please note the coloured tea seal in the front to study and compare.
Effects: Neutral, relaxing and lower blood cholesterols
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 55g
Gross: 158g
原產地: 廣東潮安縣鳳凰山烏崠村
成份: 100%全天然烏龍茶葉
味格: 花果﹑甜薯之蜜香味,湯色金黃清澈﹑味清爽﹑帶微甜,鮮活而多滋味﹑兩頰回味生津。不同品種味格各有特色,請參照標貼上顏色小圓印作比較。
保健: 中性,舒緩壓力,降膽固醇。
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 55克
毛重: 158克
Oolongs - Wuyi
MCC220 Wuyi Supreme
Wuyi Supreme
Origin: Wuyi Mountains, Fujian, China
Ingredient: 100% Natural Oolong Tea
Character: Floral aroma with a strong suggestion of charcoal finish. Smooth complex and yet sharp infusion. Light amber colour. Refreshing, quenching and sweet after-taste. The taste character may vary from batch to batch; please note the coloured tea seal in the front to study and compare.
Effects: Warm, aid digestion, aid blood circulation
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 55g
Gross: 156g
原產地: 福建武夷山
成份: 100% 全天然烏龍茶葉
味格: 炭焙香中帶獨有花香,湯色鮮明清澈﹑口感豐盈。茶味鮮爽﹑厚而持久﹑層次分明。
保健: 微溫性,助消化,助血液循環。
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 55克
毛重: 156克
White Teas
MCC300 Silver Needle Supreme
Sold out
Silver Needle Supreme
Origin: Fuding, Northern Fujian, China
Ingredient: 100% Natural White Tea
Character: Fragrant dry leaves and infusion. Mellow but fresh. Delicate, Smooth and soothing taste. Tea in its most natural and pristine form. Nice visual effects when brewed in the tall glass.
Effects: Cool, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidizing & ageing
AboutWhite Tea by Vivian Mak:
Comparison of the main compounds in Fuding white tea infusions from various tea types:
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 50g
Gross: 153g
原產地: 福建政和至福鼎地區
成份: 100%全天然白茶葉
味格: 獨特花草氣色之高香,湯色清澈,味純而細緻,輕快而有層次。因為全天然之嫩芽,很多人還喜歡用高身玻璃杯沖泡,觀賞一支支銀綠色的細針在茶湯中浮沈。
保健: 微涼性,消炎,抗菌,抗氧化及抗衰老
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 50克
毛重: 153克
MCC301 White Peony Supreme (Bai Mu Dan)
White Peony Supreme (Bai Mu Dan)
Origin: Fuding area, Northern Fujian, China
Ingredient: 100% Natural White Tea
Character: Fragrant dry leaves and infusion. Mellow but fresh. Delicate, Smooth and soothing taste.
Effects: Cool, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidizing & ageing
About White Tea by Vivian Mak:
Comparison of the main compounds in Fuding white tea infusions from various tea types
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 40g
Gross: 142g
原產地: 福建福鼎地區
成份: 100%全天然白茶
味格: 乾葉和茶湯具有天然葉香,柔和而鮮美。滋味清順甘爽﹑鮮明而輕快﹑帶麥香。
保健: 微涼性,消炎,抗菌,抗氧化及抗衰老
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 40克
毛重: 142克
MCK999 MingCha Gold
SKU: 4895097502492
MingCha Gold
This vintage tea is a shou mei (white tea) compressed & aged since 2010. Shou mei refers to its silvery white needles like the elderly's eye brows, symbolizes longevity. White tea is said to have anti-oxidizing and anti-ageing effect, it is gentle for all body types especially for seniors. Each glass jar contains 38 golden tea balls.
About White Tea by Vivian Mak:
Comparison of the main compounds in Fuding white tea infusions from various tea types:
Size: 13.5cm x 13.5cm x 12cm
Net: 230g
Gross: 995g
尺寸: 13.5公分 x 13.5公分 x 12公分
淨重: 230克
毛重: 995克
LTD400MH Menghai Tippy Puer
Menghai Tippy Puer (2002 Spring Harvest)
Origin: Menghai, Xishuangbanna Area, Yunnan Province, China
Ingredient: 100% Black Tea
Character: Warm woody aroma. Fully body, mellow, smooth, sweet and long taste with chestnut tone. Infusion colour varies from clear dark amber to rich dark burgundy with easy control. Strength can vary dramatically without bitterness.
Effects: Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion
Size: 7cm x 17.5cm
Net: 120g
Gross: 221g
Award Winning Tea - Champion of Puer Category in HKTDC Hong Kong International Tea Fair Competition 2013
勐海金尖普洱 (二零零二年春芽)
成份: 100%全天然黑茶
味格:栗香中帶獨特之林木氣色,湯色深褐紅而卻澄明通透,味醇和 ﹑ 滋味豐富 ﹑ 回甘味甜。可自由調校湯色濃度而不苦澀。
保健: 中性,控制體重,助消化。
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 120克
毛重: 221克
得獎茶葉 - 香港國際茶展名茶比賽2013普洱茶類冠軍。
MCC400 X'tra Old Tippy Puer
X'tra Old Tippy Puer
This fine puer tea has been harvested and fermented in the 1990s with Spring pekoe leaves from 200+ year trees.
Origin: Menghai, Xishuangbanna Area, Yunnan Province, China
Ingredient: 100% Black Tea
Character: Earthy, woody aroma. Full body, mellow, smooth, and strong taste. Infusion colour varies from clear dark amber to rich dark burgundy with easy control. Strength can vary dramatically without bitterness.
Effects: Neutral, controls weight, aids digestion
Size: 7cm in diameter X 17.5cm
Net: 120g
Gross: 223g
成份: 100%全天然黑茶
保健: 中性,控制體重,助消化。
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 120克
毛重: 223克
JTC704 Rose Buds
Rose Buds
Origin: China
Product: Premium grade rose buds
Effects: Warm, calming, aid blood circulation
Size: 7cm x 17.5cm
Net: 50g
Gross: 153g
原產地: 中國
產品: 高級玫瑰花蕾
保健: 微溫性,寧神,助血液循環
尺寸: 7公分 x 17.5公分
淨重: 50克
毛重: 153克